WEBINAR: TRADE TALKS by Swedish Chambers – GO USA
Intro to International Trade & Business Development in Norrbotten – Sabrina Suikki & Helen Sundqvist, Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce
Time & Date
Wednesday 26th February. 15:00 – 16:30
External Experts TBA
Conclusions & Takeways from our Experts – moderated by Sabrina Suikki & Helen Sundqvist, Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce
This webinar will be held in English. You can take part live during the webinar or see the recording afterwards.
Organized by:
Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce
This webinar is part of the RES Norrbotten 2.0 program and financed by EU-funds, Tillväxtverket & Region Norrbotten. Regional Foreign Trade Cooperation offers tailored support and guidance for companies seeking to expand to global markets. It is a formal part of the Swedish Foreign Trade Strategy and Regional Development Strategy in Norrbotten. RES Norrbotten 2.0 program is a collaboration between Norrbottens Handelskammare (project owner), Business Sweden, Exportkreditnämnden, LTU Business/European Enterprise Network, Almi Nord, IUC Norr & RISE.
Trade Talks by Swedish Chambers is a joint initiative by the regional Chambers of Commerce in Sweden. It consists of webinar series hosted by experienced experts from our chamber network worldwide. Through Trade Talks you get access to the latest updates and analysis on current markets. The webinars are built in dialogue with experts from both Swedish and foreign Chambers of Commerce, other relevant market experts, as well as companies and organizations that can provide experience and lessons learned from respective markets. You can choose to take part of the webinars live or see them digitally afterwards.
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Before each webinar, those who have registered for a subscription will receive an email with a link to the upcoming Trade Talks broadcast